A Yankee doodle dandy! A winner! A tyrant! Call him what you want, George M. Steinbrenner born on July 4, 1939 was a sports legend.
He will forever be remembered as the passionate owner of the New York Yankees.
Call him a visionary. After purchasing the disenchanted franchise in the early 1970's, his unique approach to running a business (exactly what it was) encompassed a worldwide marketing campaign.
Back in the day, television rights only covered a portion of the baseball season. Former player/manager, Gene "Stick" Michael, was recently interviewed on a local sports radio program and discussed an old four (4) game series played in CA against the Oakland Athletics. Having won the two (2) games NOT televised and having lost the two which were on tv, Mr. Steinbrenner called him to let him know, he lost the wrong games!
Today, his YES Network is an industry giant and a national success. Some will even argue the signing of foreign superstar, Hadeki Matsui, made the team a worldwide franchise as Japanese fans flocked to the American game of baseball. PT Barnum had nothing on old George. He was a master at marketing.
Lastly, true to the Steinbrenner business acumen, he died in 2010. Anyone who follows financial planning and in particular estate planning laws will understand, he died in the ONLY year in which federal estate taxes are zero. He family legacy will carry on monetarily as well!
Rest in peace George M. Steinbrenner. And, thank you for the GREAT memories!!!